Public articles

August 26, 2019

High-risk areas for pyrite: Broker responsibilities

Pyrite issues have been identified in cities of the Greater Montreal area. The OACIQ urges real estate brokers to inform their clients of the problems related to pyrite and to recommend the specific actions described below.

December 19, 2018

Contaminated soil, dry rot, radon, cannabis, etc.: How to protect yourself

During a real estate transaction, whether you're a seller or buyer, how can you be sure you are giving or getting a clear picture about the possibility that the property is located on a former landfill site or that it is affected by radon, pyrite, dry rot, etc.?

October 05, 2018

Natural disasters: Impacts on the Promise to purchase

Your property or the property you are considering to purchase has sustained damage following a natural disaster?  Here are the answers to some questions you may ask. 

September 19, 2018

Properties located on former landfill sites: clarifications by the OACIQ

Following a report on the program La Facture on September 18, 2018, the OACIQ would like to make the following clarifications.

December 05, 2017

Dry rot: what you need to know

Serpula lacrymans – commonly known as dry rot and often referred to as a “building cancer” – is a destructive fungus that attacks timber in residential buildings, leading the wood to decompose and decay.

November 20, 2017

How to prevent radon from affecting your real estate transaction

Radon can build up in a home. Here’s how to prevent radon problems before a transaction.

May 31, 2017

Transaction involving a flooded property: Three things to know

Experiencing a flooding is painful. Due to stress and urgency, an affected homeowner may forget to take certain precautions that could be of great importance during a potential sale.

April 08, 2013

Aging oil tanks - How to lessen the difficulties they can cause

Insuring an immovable with an oil tank that is aging(1) or has been improperly or inadequately maintained can prove difficult. This in turn could jeopardize a transaction. When selling such an immovable, real estate brokers must be mindful of their duty to inform and advise, which will help reduce the problems that the presence of such a tank can cause.

March 25, 2013

Notice to the Land Register in case of land contamination

The Environment Quality Act (''the Act'') establishes rules regarding land protection and rehabilitation in case of contamination. It is supplemented by the Land Protection and Rehabilitation Regulation, whose purpose includes setting out the types of industrial or commercial activities that require a particular treatment and establishing contamination limit values beyond which rehabilitation measures must be undertaken.

August 07, 2002

Pyrite Clause and Percentage: Ban It!

When a promise to purchase provides for a pyrite test and a real estate broker specifies a percentage above which the buyer can withdraw in the clause, the broker can be considered at fault professionally. This practice, which has often been reported to the Organization, presents a serious risk to clients.

March 01, 1999

Obligations of real estate brokers and agencies: High-risk areas for pyrite

Pyrite is an iron sulphide molecule present in the stone fill used in construction. It may therefore be found around foundation drains and under the concrete slabs of the cellar or the garage. Under certain conditions, pyrite can oxidize and produce a sort of white powder that swells, causing, among other things, the slab to lift and producing cracks in the foundation and partitions. These problems may appear several years after construction.